August 15, 2024

Regulatory sandboxes and pilot projects: Trials, regulations, and insights in energy transition

Zühre Aydın, Okan Yardımcı


The global energy landscape is evolving, with an increasing focus on sustainability and the transition towards cleaner energy sources. As countries strive to meet their climate goals and reduce carbon emissions, the energy transition has become a critical imperative. In this endeavor, the role of regulatory sandboxes has emerged as a promising approach to foster innovation, accelerate technological advancements and overcome regulatory barriers in the energy sector. Many regulatory authorities introduce legislations incorporating the concept of ‘sandbox’ to create a regulatory framework and an experimental environment that encourages participation and integrates infrastructure with new technologies and business processes for facilitating and accelerating the en- ergy transition. With the help of sandbox applications, the designated test or pilot implementations provide protected spaces for projects to allow regulatory trials and the development of required regulations. This study aims to examine and compare regulatory sandbox and pilot project experiences in selected countries to explore technological requirements, and recommendations for effective regulation. A four-dimensional/key perspectives framework was designed to analyze and compare selected countries. The reviewed projects were qualitatively summarized and categorized in a thematic synthesis based on a combined systematic review approach. Key findings underscore the significance of regulatory frameworks and provide clear guidance to stakeholders in innovative energy initiatives. Furthermore, collaboration, precise project delineations, and the preservation of technology neutrality emerge as crucial factors. Addressing challenges like grid integration, resource limitations, and regulatory adherence prove pivotal for the prosperous evolution of the energy domain. For this reason, the study includes a policy needs framework through experiences and insights in particular.

Keywords: Regulatory Sandbox, Energy Transition, Regulation, Derogation

Full article:

Reference: Zühre Aydın, Okan Yardımcı, Regulatory sandboxes and pilot projects: Trials, regulations, and insights in energy transition, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, Volume 56, 2024, 101792, ISSN 2215-0986,

October 15, 2023

Capacity Payments in the Turkish Electricity Market: A Necessity or Policy?

Aysun Korucan, Okan Yardimci


Capacity mechanisms have been implemented in different forms for various purposes. Contrary to altering trends in the electricity markets, Türkiye opted for enforcing “capacity payments,” regarded as a primitive form of the mechanisms to ensure the security of supply and system reliability. This study mainly aims to build a critical review of the Turkish capacity mechanism design. The survey conducted makes valuable inferences along with the opinions of different stakeholders. The results indicate that the current capacity payment scheme, a non-market based, is not sustainable in the long run. Therefore, improving the existing payment methodology by reconsidering mechanism’s scope and different age criteria, efficiency, and deliverability for plants or implementing other types of mechanisms with a market reform, such as demand response participation, seems more efficient.

Keywords: Electricity Market, Security of Supply, Capacity Mechanisms, Capacity Payments, Market Reforms, Türkiye 

JEL Classifications: P18, Q28, Q41, Q48

Full article:

Reference: Korucan, Aysun/Yardimci, Okan (2023). Capacity payments in the Turkish electricity market : a necessity or policy?. In: International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 13 (6), S. 81 - 92. doi:10.32479/ijeep.14833.

September 19, 2023

Eisenhower Fellows, 2023

The Eisenhower Fellowship is an international leadership program based in the United States. The fellowship is a non-profit organization that aims to foster international understanding, collaboration, and exchange of ideas among emerging leaders from various countries.

The primary goal of the Eisenhower Fellowship is to identify and bring together outstanding leaders from diverse fields, including government, business, academia, and the nonprofit sector, and provide them with a platform to exchange knowledge and experiences. Fellows are selected through a competitive application process and are chosen based on their potential to make a positive impact in their respective fields and promote cross-cultural understanding and cooperation.

June 14, 2023

 2022-2023 Academic Year

I wish you all the best of luck!🍀

Hacettepe University, Faculty of Law, Graduate Elective Course: EEH-632: Basic Concepts of Energy Economics, Financing of Energy Investments and Economics of RegulationSpring Semester

Hacettepe University, Faculty of Law, Graduate Elective Course: EEH-632: Basic Concepts of Energy Economics, Financing of Energy Investments and Economics of RegulationFall Semester

June 6, 2023

Summer School: Introduction to Energy Regulation

Organized by ERRA

19-23 June 2023, Budapest, Hungary

The role of regulatory bodies in the energy transition: Türkiye case study

Türkiye Case Study | Regulations on Energy Transition | E-mobility | Storage | Digitilisation

Group Head, Energy Transition Department, Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA), Türkiye

June 2, 2023

Enerjide Dijital Dönüşüm Sözlüğü

Haziran, 2023

Enerji sektöründe dijital dönüşüme yönelik kavramların, terimlerin ve tanımların yer aldığı Enerjide Dijital Dönüşüm Sözlüğü yayımlanmıştır. Bu alanda kavramların doğru bir şekilde kullanılarak, dil birliğinin sağlanabilmesi amacıyla oluşturulan sözlüğün zaman içerisinde gelişen teknolojiler ve ihtiyaçlar çerçevesinde güncellenmesi ve geliştirilmesi planlanmaktadır. Sözlüğe erişim için lütfen tıklayınız.  

May 26, 2023

Training: Regulation in Energy Transition

Organized by ERRA & RETA

22-26 May 2023, Budapest, Hungary

The main objective of this 5-day course is to provide an in-depth understanding of regulatory roles towards energy transition focusing on fundamentals, features, new developments, main drivers and outstanding challenges of energy transition, international policies and regulations culminating in a meaningful path to low carbon economy

April 19, 2023

ERRA: Glossary of Energy Transition Terms

April 2023

I'm happy to be a part of the Energy Transition Task Force established within the ERRA. Here is the first publication, Glossary of Energy Transition Terms: 

Energy Transition Task Force: 

December 31, 2022

İktisat Politikası
Aralık 2022

Dişlilerden birini (Enerji Politikası) kaleme aldığım “İktisat Politikası” kitabı çıktı. Alanlarında uzman çok değerli yazar ve editör ekibi ile Nobel yayınevine teşekkürlerimle…

December 9, 2022



9 December 2022

March 18, 2022

SPE İskenderun Teknik Üniversitesi Öğrenci Kulübü

Petrol ve Doğal Gaz Fiyatları

18 Mart 2022

October 8, 2021



8 October 2021

June 29, 2021

Kadir Has Üniversitesi Enerji ve Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Merkezi’nin (CESD) 5. Danışma Kurulu Toplantısı

29 Haziran 2021

February 15, 2021

WEBINAR: Turbulence in Global Financial Markets: Oil and Gas Prices

EAGE LC London

25 February 2021

Agenda (UK time)

18:30-18:40 Introduction and Announcements

18:40-19:20 Turbulence in Global Financial Markets: Oil and Gas Prices

19:20-19:40 Q&A 


Okan Yardimci, EMRA, Turkey; University of Oxford, UK

Dr. Yardimci graduated from the Middle East Technical University (Turkey), Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering in 2004. He got an MBA degree from the Atılım University (Turkey) in 2008 and joined an Executive Program on economics of regulation in the Michigan State University (USA) in 2008. Afterwards, he participated in Master of Law (LL.M.) at the Pennsylvania State University (USA) between 2013-2015. He had been working as a reservoir engineer in an international oil company before he was recruited by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) of Turkey. He teaches economics of regulation, financing of energy investments, oil and gas law, petroleum property valuation, reservoir engineering, production engineering at several universities. He is an Academic Visitor at the University of Oxford, St Antony's College, South East European Studies (SEESOX). His research project at SEESOX focuses on Eastern Mediterranean and energy geopolitics. 


The impact of the COVID-19 hammered the oil and gas industry in 2020, forcing WTI prices to go negative for the first time on record. We haven’t seen a full recovery yet and the recent highlights in the financial markets shows us the fragility of today's financial system. During these times of ongoing volatility in global financial markets, we’ll discuss the oil and gas prices. 

Our event will address the following issues:

- Oil collapse in 2020

- The recent highlights in the financial markets and effects on oil and gas prices

January 28, 2021

Söyleşi: Enerji Sektöründe Güncel Eğilimler

Enerjik Sohbetler, Enerji Yönetimi Mezunları, KTO Karatay Üniversitesi

29 Ocak 2021

January 5, 2021


21. Yüzyılda Petrol ve Doğal Gaz Mühendisliği
Ocak 2021

Bir parçası olmaktan mutluluk duyduğum "21. Yüzyılda Petrol ve Doğal Gaz Mühendisliği" kitabımız Gazi Kitabevinden çıktı. İlgililerine keyifli okumalar dilerim. 


December 30, 2020

 Research Report: The Evolution of EU-Turkey Energy Cooperation

December 2020


"Energy" has always played an important role in the EU-Turkey relations. Because of its geographical and strategic location, Turkey has a crucial position to vary European countries supply of natural gas and oil. In this research, historical cooperation of EU-Turkey in the whole energy sector is analyzed. Despite numerous energy collaborations in which mutual gains have been achieved in the past; EU-Turkey relations is at an important breaking point today. While Turkey’s south coast Eastern Mediterranean is becoming increasingly an area of conflict, its northern coast has a potential to lead a way of regional cooperation. In this context, Eastern Mediterranean conflict and Black Sea gas potential are examined in a detail in this study. 

Keywords: Black Sea Gas, Eastern Mediterranean, Energy, EU, Turkey

December 14, 2020

Graduate Student Conference on Energy and Sustainable Development

Center for Energy and Sustainable Development (CESD)Kadir Has University

17 December 2020

 Session II Energy Policy, Markets, and Regulations 

Moderators and Discussants: 

Dr. Okan Yardımcı, Oxford University, Academic Visitor 

Atty. Değer Boden, Boden Law, Founding Partner 

11:30-11:45 Relation Between Oil Prices and Renewable Energy Investments 

Salihe Kaya, Kadir Has University 

11:45-12:00 Optimal Diversification Among Energy Sources Conditional on Capacity Factor: Evidence from Electricity Generation in Turkey 

Mehmet Bodur, Kadir Has University 

12:00-12.15 From Blockchain To Smart Contracts 

Merve Ergun, University of Bradford 

12:15-12:30 A Preliminary Analysis of the Turkish Hydrogen Legal Landscape 

Ayşe Şehnaz Kart & İskender Gökalp, Middle East Technical University 

12:30-12:45 Turkey Takes Notable Steps in Renewable Energy Development 

Mohsina Majeed, Kadir Has University 

12:45-13:15 Discussions 

November 10, 2020

 Oxford Talks 

(SEESOX Seminar Series, Michaelmas Term 2020)

Black Sea gas: Economic and geopolitical implications

Speakers: Dimitar Bechev (DPIR, Oxford; Russia Institute, King's College London)

Jonathan Lamb (Wood & Company, London)

Anna Mikulska (Baker Institute, Houston; Kleinman Center, UPenn)

Chairs: Othon Anastasakis and Okan Yardımcı (St Antony's College, Oxford)

Convenor: Okan Yardımcı (St Antony's College, Oxford)

Date: November 11, 2020 @ 16:00

August 27, 2020

 Derin Denizlerde Sondaj ve Karadeniz’deki Yeni Gaz Keşfi Üzerine Notlar


27 Ağustos 2020

2015 yılında bir başka yazımda bitirdiğim yerden devam edeyim. O yazının son sözü bu yazının ilk sözü olsun. Petrol ve doğal gaz mühendisi meslektaşlarımın pankartlarında taşıdığı, büyük önder Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün aşağıda yer alan sözüyle başlayalım:

Karadeniz’deki yeni gaz keşfimizin ülkemize hayırlı olmasını temenni ediyorum. Emeği geçen herkese canı gönülden teşekkürler. Geçmiş dönemlerden bugüne çalışmalarda görev yapan meslektaşlarımın bir kısmını tanıyorum. Kabus gibi devam eden 2020 yılında almış olduğumuz bu haber hepimizi mutlu ederken, yer bilimcilerde apayrı umutlar ve heyecanlar da yarattı. Pek tabi kafalarda birçok soru işareti bulunuyor. Bu yazıyla soru işaretlerinin hepsini olmasa da bir kısmını giderebilmenizi umarım.  

May 5, 2020

Kadir Has Üniversitesi Enerji ve Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Merkezi tarafından, 5 Mayıs 2020 tarihinde düzenlenen ‘Petrol Fiyatlarındaki Son Gelişmeler’ başlıklı söyleşinin deşifre metni

(Organizasyonda emeği geçenlere bu güzel söyleşi ve deşifre metni için teşekkürler)

02:38 Okan Yardımcı: Konu başlığını CLK20 olarak belirledim. Biliyorsunuz Nisan ayında, WTI Mayıs teslimli vadeli kontrat eksi fiyatlara düştü. Tarihte ilk kez WTI’ın vadeli kontratları eksiye düştü; o eksiye düşen Mayıs 2020 kontratının kodu CLK20. Bu konuya değinmeden önce petrol piyasasında dört tane fact’den bahsetmek istiyorum: 

March 9, 2020

 Oxford Talks: South East Europe in Russia's Geopolitical Objectives   

9 March 2020

Russian influence on South East Europe is very divisive; some countries offer ample potential for Russian access while the others worry about external interference. On the 4th of March, SEESOX held a seminar examining Russia’s geopolitical objectives in South East Europe. The speakers were Professor Roy Allison (St Antony’s College, Oxford) and Andreja Bogdanovski (University of Buckingham). The seminar was chaired and introduced by Dr Othon Anastasakis (Director of SEESOX).

February 12, 2020

Oxford Talks: 
Energy Dynamics in the Eastern Mediterranean: Cooperation or conflict?

Speakers: Bill Kappis (University of Buckingham); Okan Yardımcı (St Antony's College, Oxford)
Chair: Charles Enoch (St Antony's College, Oxford)

Date: February 12, 2020 @ 17:00
Venue: South East European Studies Centre, University of Oxford, 62 Woodstock Road, OX2 6JF, Oxford, UK

Event page: 
Brief summary of talks: