About Me



University of Oxford
St Antony's College, South East European Studies
Oxford, UK
2019 – 2021
Academic Visitor
Research on Eastern Mediterranean energy geopolitics

Hacettepe University
Ankara, Türkiye
2010 - 2013, 2015 - 2016
Business Administration (Finance)
Ph.D. dissertation on "Effectiveness of Regulation: An Investigation of the Turkish Natural Gas Distribution Sector"
(Advisor: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Baha KARAN)

Penn State University
Law School
University Park, PA, USA
2013 - 2015
Master of Laws (Energy & International Law)

Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI, USA
July 2008 – September 2008
Executive Program
Economics of Regulation

Middle East Technical University
Ankara, Türkiye
1999 - 2004
Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering

Honors and Awards:

Jean Monnet Scholar (EU, 2019)

Eisenhower Fellow (USA, 2023)

Professional Experience:

Name of the Company/Institution
Position(s) and Working Areas

Energy Market Regulatory Authority
(National Energy Regulatory Authority of Türkiye)
Ankara, Türkiye
2006 – 2013, 2015 - 2019, 2021 - ongoing
Head of Digital Transformation Group (2021 - ongoing)
Energy Expert (2010 – 2019)
Assistant Energy Expert (2006 – 2010)

  • Studies on secondary legal framework of the Turkish energy sector
  • Compliance with the EU acquis
  • Tariff applications (distribution, transmission, and storage tariff practices, WACC calculations, incentive-based regulation implementations)
  • Natural gas market, transmission and storage codes
  • Electricity market, Turkish energy exchange (EXIST)
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Monitoring oil prices, profits, market shares
  • Monitoring of compulsory oil stocks and ticketing system
  • Energy transition, EV charging service
  • Digital transformation

Expertise dissertation (2010) on “The Effect of Oil Prices on Natural Gas Prices and Suggestions for Turkey”
(Advisor: Prof. Dr. Volkan S. EDIGER)


(Independent Anglo-French Oil and Gas Company, Headquarters in London and Paris)
Ankara and Diyarbakır, Türkiye
2004 - 2006
Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineer (Reservoir)

  • Economics of operations
  • Field development projects 
  • Workover operations 
  • OFM software database and applications 
  • Water injection & enhanced oil recovery studies
  • Pump design (SubPump software)

Diyarbakır, Türkiye

(National Oil and Gas Company of Türkiye)
Adiyaman, Türkiye

Ongoing Part-Time Tasks:

Part-Time Instructor, Middle East Technical University
Course: PETE-411, Petroleum Property Valuation

Part-Time Instructor, Bilkent University
Courses: IR-4129, Oil and Gas Law; EEPS-526, Economics of Regulation and Financing of Energy Investments

Part-Time Instructor, Hacettepe University
Course: EEH-632, Basic Concepts of Energy Economics, Financing of Energy Investments, and Economics of Regulation

Energy Community Dispute Resolution and Negotiation Center, Vienna, Austria

Energy Disputes Arbitration Center, Istanbul, Türkiye

Expert Witness
Turkish Courts (+200 energy cases), Ankara

Energy Policy, an international journal covering the political, economic, planning, environmental, and social aspects of energy (+30 reviews)

Books, Published and Unpublished Articles, Reports and Dissertations (Selected):

Article: Zühre Aydın, Okan Yardımcı, Regulatory sandboxes and pilot projects: Trials, regulations, and insights in energy transition, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, Volume 56, 2024, 101792, ISSN 2215-0986, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jestch.2024.101792.

Article: Korucan, Aysun; Yardimci, Okan (2023). Capacity payments in the Turkish electricity market : a necessity or policy?. In: International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 13 (6), S. 81 - 92.

Chapter in Book: Yardımcı, O., İktisat Politikası (Economic Policy), Chapter 16:  Enerji Politikası (Energy Policy), Nobel, 2022.
Order by Nobel

Co-Editor of a Book, Chapters in a Book (Turkish on Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering): 
Edited Book: Tugan, M.F., Yardımcı, O., 2020, 21. Yüzyılda Petrol ve Doğalgaz Mühendisliği (Translation: Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering in the 21st Century), Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara. ISBN:9786257315180.
Yardımcı O., Tugan, M.F, 2020, Bölüm 1: Petrol ve Doğal Gaz Endüstrisi, Mühendislik Eğitimi, Çalışma Alanları ve Koşulları (Translation: Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry, Engineering Education, Working Areas and Conditions), pp.1-16.
Yardımcı O., 2020, Bölüm 9: Petrol ve Doğal Gaz Ekonomisi, Ticareti, Arama ve Üretim Kontratları (Translation: Economics of Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry, Trading, Exploration and Production Contracts), pp.247-292.
Order by Gazi Kitabevi

Research Report: Yardımcı, O., The Evolution of EU - Turkey Energy Cooperation, University of Oxford, December, 2020 

Blog Piece: Yardımcı, O., Oxford Talks: South East Europe in Russia's Geopolitical ObjectivesMarch 2020.

Chapter in Book: Yardımcı, O., M.B. Karan. Energy Economy, Finance and Geostrategy, Chapter 4: Effectiveness of Regulation: An Investigation of the Turkish Natural Gas Distribution Market, Springer, 2018.
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Unpublished Article: Yardımcı, O., Kapasite Piyasası Nedir/Ne Değildir? (Capacity Market: What's / What's not), November 2017.

Unpublished Article: Yardımcı, O., Çapa Etkisi, Petrol Kontratları: WTI Petrol'ün Ocak Ayı Kontratı Sizce Dün Ne Kadar Fiyattan İşlem Gördü? (Anchoring Effect Experiment: Oil Contracts), October 2017.

Dissertation (Ph.D.): Yardımcı, O., Effectiveness of Regulation: An Investigation of the Turkish Natural Gas Distribution Sector, June 2016.

Chapter in Book: Yardımcı, O., M.B. Karan. Energy Technology and Valuation Issues, Chapter 9:  Efficiency and Service Quality Analyses of the Natural Gas Distribution Companies: A Case Study of Turkey, Springer, 2015.
Order by Amazon
Order by Springer 

Unpublished Article: Yardımcı, O. Türkiye'de Petrol Var mı? (Turkey's Oil Potential?), August 2015.

Unpublished Article: Yardımcı, O. Energy Cooperation in the History of Turkish-Russian Relations, July 2015.

Unpublished Article: Yardımcı, O. Oil-Gas Prices and Prominent U.S. Figures, April 2015.

Technical Report: Yardımcı, O., Özelleştirme Sürecinde İGDAŞ:Hukuki-İktisadi ve Stratejik Boyutlar (a study on the Istanbul's gas grid privatization), Enerji Piyasaları ve Politikaları Enstitüsü (Institute for Energy Markets and Policies), February 2015.

Article: Yardımcı, O. İki Bin 13 Öncesi Doğalgaz Piyasası Depolama Faaliyetleri (Natural Gas Storage Market Before Two Thousand 13), Enerji Piyasası Bülteni (Energy Market Bulletin), ISSN 1308-8262, No: 24, Page: 35-38, December 2012.

Article: Yardımcı, O. Başkentgaz İçin Tokmak İnmiyor! Ne Yapmak Lazım (BASKENTGAZ Privatization Can’t Come to an End! What Should We Do?), Enerji Piyasası Bülteni (Energy Market Bulletin), ISSN 1308-8262, No: 20, Page: 31-41, April 2012.

Article: Kandemir C., O. Yardımcı. Düzenlenen Piyasalarda Düzenleyici Hesap Standartlarının Önemi, Örnek Olay İncelemesi (The Importance of Account Standards for Regulated Markets: A Case Study), Enerji Piyasası Bülteni (Energy Market Bulletin), ISSN 1308-8262, No: 19, Page: 33-37, February 2012.

Article: O. Yardımcı. Türkiye Doğal Gaz Piyasası: Geçmiş 25 Yıl, Gelecek 25 Yıl (Turkey Natural Gas Market: Past 25 Years, Coming 25 Years),, Ekonomi Bilimleri Dergisi (Journal of Economical Science), ISSN 1309-8020, No: 2(3), Page: 157-166, 2011.

Article: Yardımcı, O. Doğal Gaz İletim Tarifelerinde Yeni Dönem (New Period in Natural Gas Transmission Tariff), Enerji Piyasası Bülteni (Energy Market Bulletin), ISSN 1308-8262, No: 13-14, Page: 27-31, February-April 2011.

Article: Yardımcı, O., Ediger, V.Ş., Petrol Fiyatlarının Doğal Gaz Fiyatları Üzerindeki Etkisi: Türkiye İçin Fırsatlar ve Tehditler (The Effect of Oil Prices on Natural Gas Prices: Opportunities and Treats for Turkey), Doğal Gaz Dergisi (Journal of Natural Gas), ISSN 1305-2055, No: 162, Page: 60-65, April 2011.

Article: Yardımcı, O., Ediger, V.Ş., Petrol Fiyatlarının Doğal Gaz Fiyatları Üzerindeki Etkisi: Türkiye İçin Fırsatlar ve Tehditler (The Effect of Oil Prices on Natural Gas Prices: Opportunities and Treats for Turkey), 16th International Energy & Environment Fair and Conference (ICCI) Book, Page: 221-225, May 2010.

Article: Yardımcı, O., Doğal Gaz Piyasasında Abone Bağlantı Bedeli (Connection Fee in Natural Gas Market), Enerji Piyasası Bülteni (Energy Market Bulletin), ISSN 1308-8262, No: 6, Page: 16-18, August 2009.

Unpublished Article: Yardımcı, O., Geothermal Energy – Denizli Kizildere Geothermal Field,
May 2009.

Unpublished Article: Yardımcı, O., Causes and Effects of “Green House” Conditions on the Earth Surface, March 2009.

Unpublished Article: Yardımcı, O., Oil and Natural Gas, February 2009.


Other Teaching Experiences (Selected)

-    Energy Regulators Regional Association (ERRA), Summer School, Energy Transition in Turkey, Budapest, Hungary, June 2023.
- Energy Regulators Regional Association (ERRA) and Regulatory Energy Transition Accelerator (RETA), Training on Regulation in Energy Transition, Energy Transition in Turkey, Budapest, Hungary, May 2023.
-  Energy Regulators Regional Association (ERRA), Advanced Training Course: Price Regulation & Tariffs, Coordinator of the Case Study: Price Regulation of the Natural Gas Sector in Turkey, Budapest, Hungary, February 2012, March 2013.
-  Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Department of Business Administration, Undergraduate Elective Course: OPT-212: Oil and Gas Law, 2017-2018 Academic Year Summer School, Chengdu, China.
-     Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Global Academy, New Trends in the Energy Sector, July 2018, Chengdu, China.
-  Energy Regulators Regional Association (ERRA), 1st ERRA Educational Workshop, Overview of new technologies possibly affecting energy regulation; Regulatory roles and economic incentives for innovation, Budapest, Hungary, September 2018.
-  Bilkent University, Department of International Relations, Undergraduate Elective Course: IR-4129: Oil and Gas Law, 2017-2018 Academic Year Spring Semester, 2018-2019 Academic Year Fall Semester, Ankara, Turkey.
-  Hacettepe University, Faculty of Law, Graduate Elective Course: EEH-632: Basic Concepts of Energy Economics, Financing of Energy Investments and Economics of Regulation2017-2018 Academic Year Spring Semester, Ankara, Turkey.
-  Middle East Technical University, Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Undergraduate Must Course: PETE-411, Petroleum Property Valuation, 2017-2018 Academic Year Fall Semester, 2018-2019 Academic Year Fall Semester, Ankara, Turkey.
-  Bilkent University, MA Program in Energy Economics, Policy & Security, Graduate Elective Course: EEPS-513, Oil and Gas Law, Graduate Elective Course: EEPS-526, Economics of Regulation and Financing of Energy Investments, 2017-2018 Academic Year Fall Semester, Ankara, Turkey.
-     Institute for Energy Markets and Policies, 3rd Euroasia Energy Summer School, Economics of Regulation, July, 2017, Ankara, Turkey.
-     Institute for Energy Markets and Policies, 2nd Euroasia Energy Summer School,  Economics of Regulation, July, 2016, Izmir, Turkey.
-   Union of Turkish Bar Associations, Turkey Energy Market Training for the Lawyers, May 2013, Ankara, Turkey.
-    Euroforum, Energy Market Trading and Risk Management, Natural Gas Value Chain from Source to Market, February 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
-  Society of Energy Professionals, Natural Gas Market Access and Trade Training Programme, Tariff, November 2012, Ankara, Turkey.
-  Energy Regulators Regional Association (ERRA), Advanced Training Course: Price Regulation & Tariffs, Coordinator of the Case Study: Price Regulation of the Natural Gas Sector in Turkey, Budapest, Hungary, February 2012, March 2013.
-    Instructor of EMRA Job Promotion Courses, 2010-2011, Ankara, Turkey.
-    Izmir University of Economics, Workshop Program, 2010, Izmir, Turkey.

Conference & Panel Speeches (Selected)

-   Invited as a Speaker: Bilkent University, Energy Policy Research Center, Oil and Gas in 21th Century, January 2021, Virtual Meeting. 
-   Invited as a Speaker: KTO Karatay University, Online Talks, Energy Sector Trends, January 2021, Virtual Meeting. 
-    Moderator and Discussant: Kadir Has University, Center for Energy and Sustainable Development (CESD), Graduate Student Conference on Energy and Sustainable DevelopmentDecember 2020, Virtual Conference. 
Convenor and Co-Chair: Oxford Talks, Black Sea Gas: Economic and Geopolitical Implications, November 2020, Oxford, UK. 
-    Invited as a Speaker: Kadir Has University, Online Energy Talks, 2020 Oil Collapse, May 2020, Virtual Meeting.
-    Invited as a Speaker: Chamber of Petroleum Engineers, Turkey, Oil Price Collapse, May 2020, Virtual Meeting.
-    Panelist: Oxford Talks, Energy Dynamics in the Eastern Mediterranean, February 2020, Oxford, UK.
-    Invited as a Speaker: SPE Batman University Student Chapter, Turkey Oil and Gas Market, November 2019, Virtual Meeting.
-    Invited as a Speaker: SPE METU Student Chapter, Turkey Oil and Gas Market, November 2019, Ankara, Turkey.
-    Invited as a Speaker: SPE Turkey Section, Rights and Obligations between the Sovereign Country and the Foreign Investor, October 2019, Ankara, Turkey.
-    Invited as a Speaker: ERRA Joint Meeting of the Licensing/Competition and Tariff/Pricing Committee, Overview of new technologies possibly affecting energy regulation; Regulatory roles and economic incentives for innovation, 2018, Antalya, Turkey.
-    Invited as a Jury: Kadir Has University, Center for Energy and Sustainable Development (CESD), Graduate Student Conference on Energy and Sustainable DevelopmentMay 2018, Istanbul, Turkey.
-    Invited as a Panelist: 50th Anniversary of Middle East Technical University, Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Petroleum Engineering Education: Past-Present-Future, January 2018, Ankara, Turkey.
-    6th Multinational Energy and Value Conference, Effectiveness of Regulation: An Investigation of the Turkish Natural Gas Distribution Market, May 2017, Guzelyurt, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
-    Invited as a Speaker: Karadeniz Technical University – First Technology Summit, Energy Notes, 4 April 2017, Trabzon, Turkey.
-    Invited as a Panelist: Small-Mid Scale LNG Summit, Panel Session “Opportunities for LNG in Turkey: Current Supply Chain. Current Supply Structure. Drivers for the Developing Market in LNG. Obstacles and Projections for the Future of Smaller Scale LNG", 20 - 22 October 2014, Houston, Texas, USA.
-       Invited as a Conference Speaker: Azerbaijan and Caspian Sea Oil & Gas Week 2013, Turkey Oil and Gas Market, 11-13 November 2013, Baku, Azerbaijan.
-      Invited as a Panelist: IV International Black Sea Economic Forum, Panel Session "An Outlook for Gas Supply in the Black Sea Region by 2020. Will Russia Remain the Key Regional Gas Supplier? The Bosphorus: the Window of Opportunities or Closed Doors for the Liquefied Natural Gas? When to Expect the Advent of Shale and Tight Gas?”, October 2013, Crimea, Ukraine.
-  Invited as a Panelist: Global Gas Opportunities Summit, Regulatory Panel Discussion "Developments in the Gas Industry Worldwide”, October 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
-       Invited as a Conference Speaker: Small-Mid Scale LNG Summit, Small-Mid Scale Networks: An Exploration of Applicability in the Turkish Market, June 2013, Amsterdam, Netherland.
-       8th Annual Silk Road Conference, Panel Discussion, Turkey: A Rapidly Expanding Energy Hub, May 2013, Chicago, USA.
-       4th Multinational Energy and Value Conference, Efficiency and Service Quality Analysis of the Turkish Natural Gas Distribution Companies, May 2013, Chicago, USA.
-     Invited as a Conference Speaker: CIS Oil and Gas Transportation 14th Annual Meeting, LNG Revolution & The Role of Turkey, October 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.
-       Invited as a Conference Speaker: Small Scale LNG Forum, Turkish LNG Market: Regulation for Promotion?, October 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.
-     Invited as a Speaker: Society of Energy Professionals – Energy Talks, Turkey Natural Gas Market Tariff Applications, October 2012, Ankara, Turkey.
-       Invited as a Conference Speaker: 5th Annual Balkan Energy and Finance Forum, The Effects of Recent Developments in the LNG Market on the Relationship Between Oil and Natural Gas Prices, June 2012, Belgrade, Serbia.
-  Invited as a Conference Speaker: International Congress on Energy and Politics, Tariff Applications, April 2012, Antalya, Turkey.
-       European Gas Conference, The Relationship Between Oil and Natural Gas Prices, LNG Role and the Impact on the European Market, 2012, Vienna, Austria.
-       Management and Economy Science Conference, 2011, Izmir, Turkey.
-       17th International Energy & Environment Fair and Conference, 2011, Istanbul, Turkey.
-       16th International Energy & Environment Fair and Conference, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.
-   Invited as a Speaker: METU Society of Petroleum Engineering, Graduation Dialogue, 2008, Ankara, Turkey.

Interviews and Media Appearances (Selected)


Latest Youtube Links (2019-2021):

Video Podcast @ ERRA: Innovation and Regulation, September 2018.
Video Podcast @ Bilkent University: Bilkent's Energy Lecture Series: Price Regulations in Energy Markets, March 2018.

News @ Natural Gas World: Energy Cooperation in the History of Turkish-Russian Relations, July 2015.

News @ Enerji Enstitüsü: Hidrolik Çatlatma Yöntemine Yönelik Olarak ABD'de Getirilen Yeni Düzenlemeler (Recent U.S. Regulations Regarding to the Hydraulic Fracturing), March 2015.

News @ Enerji Enstitüsü: Yemen’de Yaşanan Gelişmeler, March 2015.
News @ Enerji Panorama, TENVA: Doğalgaz Dağıtım Şirketlerinde Verimlilik ve Hizmet Kalitesi İlişkisi, September 2014.

 Interview @ Enerji IQ: EPDK'dan Doğalgaz Dağıtım Şirketlerine Yönelik Tarife Revizyonu Kararı, 14 August 2014.

 News @ EPPEN: Doğalgaz Dağıtım Şirketlerinin Tarifelerinde Revizyon Düzenlemesi, August 2014.

  Interview @ E-World: April 2014.

  Interview @ Enerji IQ: Doğalgaz Dağıtım İhaleleri Dağıtım Bedellerinde İndirim İmkanı Sağladı, 22 November 2013.

  Interview @ Global Energy Profs: On the Job Interview, October 2013.

  TV Interview @ the National Public Broadcaster of Turkey, TRT, October 2013.

 News @ Platts: Turkish Gas Consumption to Reach 47.6 Billion cu m/yr This Year, 1 October 2013.

 News @ Natural Gas World: "Crazy Project" Can Accelerate The LNG Revolution, November 2012.
 News @ Gas Strategies: New Storage Facilities Vital to Turkey’s Energy Aspirations, October 2012.

Membership of Professional Bodies

Member of Middle East Technical University Alumni Association (Cont.) http://www.odtumd.org.tr  
Member of Chamber of Petroleum Engineers, Turkey (Cont.) http://pmo.org.tr/
Advisory Board Member of the Center for Energy and Sustainable Development, Kadir Has University (Cont.) https://cesd.khas.edu.tr/en 

Contact Information:

E-Mail                              : oyardimci@epdk.gov.tr / okany@metu.edu.tr / okanyardimci@gmail.com
Orcid                                 : https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9661-7731
Google Scholar               : Okan YARDIMCI 
Twitter                              : @OkanYardimci
LinkedIn                           : OkanYardimci

Dr. Yardimci has experience in energy markets, economics of regulation, tariff practices, international business transactions, international law and energy law.

He graduated from Middle East Technical University (TR), Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering in 2004. He received his MBA degree from Atilim University (TR) in 2008 and participated in an Executive Program on economics of regulation at Michigan State University (USA) in 2008. He completed his Master of Laws (LL.M.) at PennState University (USA) from 2013 to 2015. He completed Ph.D. in finance at Hacettepe University (TR) in 2016 with a thesis on “Effectiveness of Regulation: An Investigation of the Turkish Natural Gas Distribution Sector”He was an Academic Visitor at University of Oxford (UK), St Antony's College, South East European Studies (SEESOX) from 2019 to 2021. His research at SEESOX focused on the disputes in the Eastern Mediterranean and energy geopolitics. He is a Jean Monnet Scholar (EU, 2019) and an Eisenhower Fellow (USA, 2023). 

He started his professional career as a  reservoir engineer in an international oil and gas company and continued at the Turkish Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA). He worked in different departments of EMRA such as department of tariffs, natural gas market, electricity market, oil market and finally energy transition. He is currently working as the Head of Digital Transformation Group at EMRA. He gave lectures at undergraduate and graduate levels in various universities and institutions in Türkiye and abroad such as Middle East Technical University (TR), Bilkent University (TR), Hacettepe University (TR), Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (China), CIU (TRNC), University of Pristina (Kosovo), ERRA (Hungary). He teaches economics of regulation, financing of energy investments, oil and gas law, petroleum economics, reservoir engineering, production engineering, energy transition. He delivers presentations at international conferences worldwide. His articles and presentations are available at www.enerjiuzmani.blogspot.com

Areas of Interest:
Energy, economics of regulation, tariff practices, energy transition, electric vehicles and charging, digitalization, green transition, antitrust, Turkish energy market, oil and natural gas, global energy markets, shale gas, oil shale, LNG, reservoir engineering, energy geopolitics, Eastern Mediterranean, energy exchanges, European gas and electricity markets, US energy market, arbitration, mediation, negotiation, energy contracts, international business transactions, energy law, international law, economy of law, finance, econometrics, oil and natural gas prices.